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Competion - Aeternitas - 03-03-2013

Maybe it would be good if we have the common topic for both of the teams where we can talk about the progress of our work. Post some screens, when there is something, or give some small info.

RE: Competion - Bogdan - 03-03-2013

I also mentioned this in the first post of the main topic. Once the mods are a bit developed, there will be 2 topics opened in the Fan Mods area in which the teams will post regular updates.

RE: Competion - Szekemri - 03-09-2013

Cum sta treaba in echipa adversa?

RE: Competion - Bogdan - 03-09-2013

Destul de bine, nu extraordinar, dar sper ca se vor mai schimba lucrurile pe masura ce ajungem la partile mai interesante, gen dialoguri, questuri, inserare voburi/moburi.

Pe la voi cum e? Smile

RE: Competion - Robi - 03-09-2013

Se asteapta dupa mine sa fac ceva ce nu prea stiuHaha.

RE: Competion - old nick - 03-09-2013

Inseamna ca la partea de "dezvoltare" suntem la acelasi nivel, adica foarte aproape de zero.Haha

RE: Competion - Robi - 03-09-2013

Doar ca nivelul de cunostinte al meu e aproape de 0 iar al tau nu...

RE: Competion - Szekemri - 03-09-2013

Invatam, recapitulam si o sa stim. Mie-mi place asa.

RE: Competion - old nick - 03-09-2013

(03-09-2013, 09:32 PM)roby14 Wrote: Doar ca nivelul de cunostinte al meu e aproape de 0 iar al tau nu...

Daca crezi ca-ti pot fi de folos intreba-ma. Nu modelez eu mesa pentru echpa 2 deci nu se pune problema ca as trisa, nu?