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The History Of Khorinis
Am încercat să caut pe Google, dar n-am găsit nimic înafară de moddb.
Google-ul il stiam si eu, si e adevarat nu gasesti mai nimic. Am gasit totusi o chestie interesanta pe RPG Codex unde e un topic asemanator cu cel de aici. Nici acolo nu e vreun update recent, dar citind printre comentarii, am obsercat ca cineva mentiona ca modul se afla intr-o faza de testare beta, asta insemnand ca sunt undeva pe final cu modul.
Hello there, and thanks for all positive comments!
The first part of the modification will be released in this year Wink The work is still in progress. Moreover we lack 3d artists, this makes the wait time even longer. I believe the 3d part is taking the most of our time. The world mesh is completed in about 65% in that moment.
I am considering making some kind of developers blog about the world development.

Information about our project appear in real time on our website - or

I invite you also to the forum:

Am adus threadul inapoi din arhiva unde a stat 2 saptamani fara postari noi.
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bine de stiut ca nu e mort modul asta LikeGothic
(っ◕‿◕)っ ♥ Gothic[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR97VWJGECgiC-0eJQTSQy...jLM_lcyWrN]
Not bad actually, armura. Daca ar fi fost purtata de un tip cu par alb legat la spate imi dadeam mai repede seama de unde vine Smile
Well, de unde vine?
Pretty damn good si da armura vine de la witcher 3
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(っ◕‿◕)っ ♥ Gothic[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR97VWJGECgiC-0eJQTSQy...jLM_lcyWrN]
Par alb... witcher?

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